Thank you for your interest in Neighboring Galaxies, A Place For Community Goods And Services!
My website (www.KatNBoots138.com) currently receives traction of 1k visits, per month, AND GROWING!
So I wanted a way to showcase other businesses, that co-exist and co-create, inside this spiritual community!
That's what 'Neighboring Galaxies' is all about.
I'm offering 3 options, at this time:
1 month option for $11
3 months option for $33
6 months option for $66
When purchasing, plz make sure to double check your Email you will be entering, as this will be the way i contact you about the information of your featured business ad.
The months will be an averaged out 30 days, and will begin on the start date of promotion, inside the Neighboring Galaxies' Promo Page
The price is based off of how much work, myself (Kat) will be putting into maintaining this, since only the payment portion is automated, the rest done by hand.
Upon purchase, I will be emailing you (from Katyoungren138@gmail.com) to gather some images and summery information from you.
You are more then welcome to design your own ad space, with limiting characters of 200, and one image.
(can be a collage to showcase more items, inside the one image.)
I will also be happy to help create an add square to fit the feel and look of your business.
You may make as many separate ads, as you like (each $11, per month), but I wanted a budget friendly option of allowing a website or linktree link, for those who would like the one add space feature.
On my end, I will be:
️Rotating the ads, newest to the top (including a monthly refresh for continuing businesses)
️Keeping track of the 30 days, with email reminder
️Available to make collage and add art, if needed
️Posting my website on all images or videos, to bring more traction, on all platforms
️Posting a clickable link, at the most optimal location on my website
️Adding multiple links, leading to the Neighboring Galaxies, inside my website
️Showcasing new members of the Neighboring Galaxies, in a video/image, on social media platforms
Thank you so much for building this community together, and stepping into yourselves!
I look forward to this group project, and to working with YOU soon,